Become a member

Would you like to become a member of the orchestra?

The Landesblasorchester Baden-Württemberg is always interested in welcoming new musicians to its ranks. An audition is definitely worthwhile in all registers! We are continuously replenishing the instruments.
Are you interested in playing with us? Then simply send us an e-mail! We will be happy to answer your questions and provide you with details. The auditions always take place on the Friday afternoon of the first work phase of each semester – i.e. in March and September.
The Landesblasorchester meets regularly for

  • Samples,
  • Concerts,
  • CD productions and
  • Concert tours.

All dates will be announced in good time so that every orchestra member can coordinate their schedule accordingly. This is also important, as full attendance at all rehearsals is essential.


The condition for membership is an audition. As a rule, this will be approved by the leader, the conductor, the concertmaster and a member of the board. It consists of a self-selected piece, audition pieces from past concert programs and a piece from sight-reading. The audition should show that you are able to practice carefully and conscientiously. Strengths in tonal culture, technique and musical expression should be brought to bear in the self-selected piece. This can be a piece from a solo concerto, an etude, but also something chamber music. The degree of difficulty is not the decisive factor, but the quality of the execution! The audition dates are sent out approximately two weeks before the date and must be prepared carefully.

We will be happy to answer any specific questions you may have about the audition. Send us an
e-mail (
. We will also be happy to call you back.